Sustaining Members
The Cartersville Service League is truly grateful for our sustaining members who have given six years of their time as an active member to improve the League and better the entire Cartersville/Bartow County community. At the completion of an active member’s six year term, she is eligible to become a sustaining member of the League. Sustaining members continue to support the Cartersville Service League but with fewer obligations. A sustaining member continues the priviledge to sponsor or endorse a potential new member of the League.
We look forward to seeing all of our sustaining members semi-annually at our Spring Coffee and our Christmas Luncheon!
Sustaining Member Dues
Annual Sustaining Member dues are $50/year and may be paid via:
Mail: Check payable to Cartersville Service League to P.O. Box 1678 Cartersville, GA 30120
Pay Online:
Join Our Sustaining Member Email List
To stay informed of all the great things CSL is doing in our community, please join our mailing list to begin receiving our electronic newsletters!
CSL Connector Newsletter
In 2020 the Cartersville Service League is excited to offer the very first addition of our newsletter, the CSL Connector! Please find all issues thus far which share all of the great ways that our members are helping in our community! If you have any information you wish to be shared in the newsletter, please send it to us via email at
CSL Connector, Volume 1, 2020.9.8
Past Presidents
Mrs. Matt (Cassie) Gibson 2021-2022
Mrs. Brad (Lizzi) Galland 2022-2023
Mrs. Jeremy (Danielle) Graham 2023-2024
Mrs. Kevin (Dana) McElwee 2011-2012
Mrs. Bryan (Julie) Edwards 2012-2013
Mrs. Brent (Lisa) Lovett 2013-2014
Mrs. Billy (Sonya) Noble 2014-2015
Mrs. Chip (Traci) Shropshire 2015-2016
Mrs. Brandon (Elizabeth) Bowen 2016-2017
Mrs. Mike (Jacey) Howren 2017-2018
Mrs. Matthew (Denae) Gambill 2018-2019
Mrs. Joey (Brittney) Pogue 2019-2020
Mrs. Ben (Leslie) Mauldin 2020-2021
Mrs. Jimmy Pike 2001-2002
Mrs. Reid Dunn 2002-2003
Mrs. Robbie Clyburn 2003-2004
Mrs. Dan Heilman 2004-2005
Mrs. Hank Rhodes 2005-2006
Mrs. Steve Gambill 2006-2007
Mrs. Don Post 2007-2008
Mrs. Kit Williams 2008-2009
Mrs. Dolph “Tripp” Nelson, III 2009-2010
Mrs. Alan Forsyth 2010-2011
Mrs. John Whittenburg 1992-1993
Mrs. Terry Tumlin 1993-1994
Mrs. Frank Vaughn 1994-1995
Mrs. Alan Bowen 1995-1996
Ms. Dee Bishop 1996-1997
Mrs. Cliff Acuff 1997-1998
Mrs. Button Lewis 1998-1999
Mrs. Danny Deems 1999-2000
Ms. Marlu Graves 2000-2001
Mrs. Dolph Nelson, Jr. 1982-1983
Mrs. Billy Archer 1983-1984
Mrs. James B. White 1984-1985
Mrs. Jim Slaughter 1985-1986
Mrs. Ashley Schubert 1986-1987
Mrs. Guy Parmenter 1987-1988
Mrs. Jim Kennedy 1988-1989
Mrs. Stan Tilley 1989-1990
Mrs. Lance McAfee 1990-1991
Mrs. Charles Adams, Jr. 1972-1973
Mrs. George Shropshire 1973-1974
Mrs. Louis Tonsmeire, Sr. 1974-1975
Mrs. Bert Crane 1975-1976
Mrs. John Newman 1976-1977
Mrs. Terry Jones 1977-1978
Mrs. Carl White 1978-1979
Mrs. Joe Tilley 1979-1980
Mrs. B. F. Adams 1980-1981
Mrs. John Cochran 1962-1963
Ms. Gay Dellinger 1963-1964
Mrs. Robert Barrett 1964-1965
Mrs. Jean Owen Hodge 1965-1966
Mrs. Eva Jernimous 1966-1967
Mrs. Walter Detamore 1967-68
Mrs. Jeff Davis 1968-1969
Mrs. William Shadden, Jr. 1969-1970
Mrs. Harold Cook 1970-1971
Mrs. Warren Akin 1952-1953
Mrs. Tom Warlick 1953-1954
Mrs. Harvey Howell 1954-1955
Mrs. Frank Mothes 1955-1956
Mrs. Sherman Parmenter 1956-1957
Mrs. Robert Shaw 1957-1958
Mrs. Fred Knight, Jr. 1958-1959
Mrs. J. I. Gray 1959-1960
Mrs. Frances Maxwell 1960-1961
Mrs. Ray Dellinger 1942-1943
Mrs. John Dent 1943-1944
Mrs. Fred Knight, Sr. 1944-1945
Mrs. James Stanford 1945-1946
Mrs. Frank Smith 1946-1947
Mrs. William Shadden 1947-1948
Mrs. Charles Sewell, Jr. 1948-1949
Mrs. Frank Jackson 1949-1950
Mrs. Turley Warlick 1950-1951
Volunteer of the Year Service Award
Volunteer of the Year is a service award that originated in 1993 which is given to a Cartersville Service League Sustaining Member who has shown outstanding leadership contribution to the Cartersville/Bartow County community through volunteer service.
Our 2023 Volunteer of the Year Service Award was given to Lora Warner (second from the left).
Below is a list of all past Volunteer of the Year recipients:

Louisa White 2013-2014
Judge Velma Tilley 2014-2015
Beth Slocum 2015-2016
Charissa Pritchett 2016-2017
Jennifer Wiggins Matthews 2017-2018
Lori Albea 2018-2019
Elizabeth Bowen 2019-2020
Vanessa McWhorter 2020-2021
Julie Edwards 2021-2022
Mandy Moore 2022-2023
Lora Warner 2023-2024
Donna Clayton 2004-2005
Dianne Pike 2005-2006
Dee Dellinger 2006-2007
Becky Tumlin Jarrett 2007-2008
Michelle Roberson 2008-2009
Becki Post 2009-2010
Melanie Collier 2010-2011
Carolyn Fairchild 2011-2012
Ann Cummings 2012-2013
Elizabeth Harris 1994-1995
Anne Sims 1995-1996
Candy Smith 1996-1997
Adele Howell 1997-1998
Terry Nelson 1998-1999
Nancy Newman 1999-2000
Daneise Archer 2000-2001
Nancy Brant 2001-2002
Bonnie Floyd 2002-2003
We are always looking for enthusiastic, motivated, and talented women to join us in our cause!
From 2023-2024 we:
• Had 35 Active Members
• Donated $120,000 locally
• Volunteered 3,500+ Hours
Cartersville Service League
P.O. Box 1678
Cartersville, GA 30120